Landscape and Urban Context Assessments

Our Experience

We draw upon experience across urban design, landscape character assessment, and visual impact assessment to develop methodologies for evaluating site impacts in relationship with context. We are skilled at translating these impacts into design solutions to balance the right project outcome for the client with community expectations, and environmental values.

Our Values

Understanding the context and setting of a site is important to get the right outcome. The principles of urban design, site analysis, constraints assessment, landscape character and visual impact assessment provide a number of lenses for understanding an existing context, and developing a framework for integrating principles for good design and contextually appropriate outcomes into projects.

Completed Projects

Lindum Station Precinct Study - Integrated Landscape Assessment

Boundary Rd Level Crossing Removal Project - Integrated Landscape Assessment
Coopers Plains

New England Highway Upgrade - Integrated Landscape Assessment

East Creek Master Plan - Existing Conditions Assessment